You Will Learn:

1. Simple, easy and straightforward financial aid award tracking spreadsheet. Financial aid awards are confusing and far from uniform - use this too get an accurate lay of the land and negotiate from a position of strengthl Value: $97

2. "Fast Start Implementation Coaching Call" with Elisa Turner to clear the clutter and make sure that you are focusing on the right actions to craft a winning college plan! Value: $450

3. Sample letters of appeal across different categories, including Loss Of Income, Business Owner, Separated/Divorced, Offers From Other Colleges and more! Huge time savings to you, avoid "College Appeal Letter Writer's Block!" Value: $197

You Will Learn:

1. Exactly how to craft your best possible argument why you deserve to have your financial aid or scholarship award reevaluated.

2. Precisely whom to speak with (hint: it's not "To Whom It May Concern), how and when.

3. The exact words to write and say, using actual sample letters that worked for you to model...AND, what NOT to say!

4. How to decode an overly confusing and complicated financial aid offer so you can negotiate with confidence and stack the odds in your favor.

5. How to easily and comfortably afford your child's "Dream College" instead of having to tell them, "Sorry, we just can't swing it." 

How To Appeal To Get More Financial Aid FAST

How To Get Ahead and Do It Fast!  Find out how to maximize your financial aid award package!

HOW TO APPEAL TO GET MORE FINANCIAL AID is an online training lesson that shows you tactical instructions for how to create and make a successful appeal for more financial assistance to a college's financial aid department. I will give you specific information and strategies based on working with thousands of families throughout the last decade.  

Finanical Aid Appeals

Learn How to make a deal, and Beat the Overpriced College Game

2-Day Course Delivered into your inbox.

On Demand Webinar

Learn what to say and whom to say it to...our class covers ALL effective arguments, how to present them & how to maximize chances of success!

You Will Learn:

  • How colleges award money and how you can use that knowledge to get your child more cash.

  • Know if your child received a good, average, or poor financial aid package.

  • The unique elements that you include to make a successful appeal.

  • Specific tips that are essential to writing a successful financial aid appeal letter.

  • How to prepare for your meeting and what you need to bring to speak with the financial aid office.

  • A list of special circumstances that must be appealed.

  • What supporting documentation is required to expedite your appeal.

  • How to avoid the critical errors that can cost you thousands of dollars when asking for money.

  • Multiply your odds of winning the college aid game and increase your aid.

  • Learn proven strategies to receive more financial aid.

Check List/Get Organized

Appeal Letter Guidelines and Checklist to help you write your appeal letter. Use our simple tracking tool to help you compare your unecessarily complicated offers and see where you stand, so you can negotiate from a position of strength!


Financial Aid & Scholarship Master Class

Tools You Can Use

Actual sample letters that worked!  Use our templated letters to quickly and easily craft your appeal letter - avoid "Appeal Letter Writer's Block!"

Need "Hands On?" 

Check List/Get Organized

Appeal Letter Guidelines and Checklist to help you write your appeal letter. Use our simple tracking tool to help you compare your unecessarily complicated offers and see where you stand, so you can negotiate from a position of strength!

If the do-it-yourself version is too daunting or too much of a hassle...We take on a LIMITED number of clients to do the whole appeal for them. First come, first served .

Here's What You Get When You Enroll

How To Successfully Negotiate A Merit or Financial Aid Offer